
Botanic Living

The download Botanic Living sets out in plain English on two pages on conduct that encourages enjoyable community living for all residents. 

Refer to the download SP90323 By-Laws for greater detail.

Pet Friendly

Botanic is pet friendly but pets must be approved by the Strata Managing Agent. Refer Pet Application Form in download SP90323 By-laws.


Please refer downloads Lot Security and Security Management Statement

Lot Owner responsibility

The basic rule is everything inside a unit is the lot owner's responsibility. Please see download Common Property Memorandum issued by NSW Fair Trading.

Botanic lot owners are responsible for the following items (all except each units A/C condenser are only accessible from the interior of a unit) :

  • air conditioning
  • exhaust ventilation
  • floor coverings except tiles
  • tempering valves (under laundry tub controls; control hot water flow within a unit)
  • LED light fittings
  • Cleaning the exterior of windows and glass balustrades

The surfaces, including paint, of walls and ceilings of balconies and terraces are Common Property.

Owners Corporation SP 90323